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Teach AI

Whether you’re taking a deep dive or just dipping your toes in, we have everything you need to teach AI with ease.


Introduction to AI

✏️ Grades 9-12 🧑🏽‍🏫 Teacher-led ⏱️ 35 x 45-minute lessons

A project-based exploration of AI ethics and practicalities.

Step-by-step lesson plans and a beautiful, easy-to-follow student workbook

  • Built for computer science, STEM, and CTE teachers

AI Snapshots

✏️ Grades 7-12 🧑🏽‍🏫 Teacher-led ⏱️ 180 x 5-minute warmups

180 classroom warmups built to spark debate, ignite curiosity, and build community!

  • Incorporates brand new, fascinating technologies like cow facial recognition
  • Built for innovative English, science, math, and social studies teacher


Teachers Dashboard

✏️ Grades 9-12 🧑🏽‍🏫 Teacher-led or Independent

✏️ Grades 9-12    🧑🏽‍🏫 Teacher-led or Independent

Empower students with exciting, independent projects or guide learners through collaborative teacher-led activities. Whatever your approach, the project dashboard has you covered.

Not sure where to start?

Are you ready to bring AI to your students but not sure where to begin? Whether you have a few minutes or a few months, we have something for you.


I want to fit AI into our busy schedule, but I’m not sure how.

I want to give my students a deeper look at AI and its impacts.


I want to spark independent thinking with discrete, student-led projects.

Our Most Popular Workshop

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Perspective drawings that began in the 14th Century have evolved into much of the technology we now use today.​ 3D modeling, augmented reality, virtual reality, holographic projections are just some of the inventions that came from perspective drawing.


When you move your perspective from math being a language to math being the science of patterns, doors will open up. No longer is math a cold, abstract, unemotional field of study. It moves from black & white to COLOR


The purpose of the engineer is to solve problems through innovation or creating a new invention. Many of Leonardo's inventions were innovative and likewise, many of his futuristic inventions were new concepts.


People Say About Leonardos Apprentice

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“The study of the Metaverse was something that I didn't think too much about, but through this course and the meetings we had I really gained a bigger interest in this. I now think about it everyday! The lessons were also quite enticing.”

Carolina Dominquez

“I highly recommend this course for other students to learn about not only the excitement of the future but also the problems that exist that we as the new generation must acknowledge and understand. ”

Benson Manzano

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